Letter to the Editor
Letters to The Editors
Parts of A Letter, and format/outline of the Letter.
Most of the time people write a letter to the Editor to highlight an issue/problem which prevails in the society. These kinds of letters mostly have seven (7) parts.
These seven parts are following:
Write the sender (who is sending the letter) address, and date at the left side. In this section a few things have to be kept in mind.
After address use comma ( , )
After city name use full-stop ( . )
Date must be written in this way 8th April, 2024
After year do not use full-stop
This is the way to write the address of sender:
Examination Hall,
City ABC.
23rd May, 2022
Editor’s Address:
Editor address would also be on the left side of the letter, but leave one line before writing. In first, and in second line comma, and after writing city ABC then full-stop.
Below is the right way to write the address of Editor (receiver/recipient):
The Editor,
The Nation,
City ABC.
This is the very important portion of your letter in which the subject of the letter has been written in short form. It is also a technique to write just the issue which is going to be discussed. That will be written after the editor address.
Standard words that are used to address the person being written to. They are Dear Sir, Dear Madam, Respected Sir/Madam, or Dear Ma’am.
Body of The Letter:
There is a specific style of writing a letter, which begins with a few lines of introduction. Then, the issue is discussed in detail. After that, the solution to the problem is presented. However, it is important to exclude irrelevant details. The body should consist of three paragraphs, and each paragraph should be brief.
The letter is concluded by these words: Yours truly, Yours sincerely,
Writer’s Name;
In the examination’s letter the writer of the letter does not mention his/her name. Rather only writes X.Y.Z.
Below is the right way to write the conclusion & writer name:
Yours truly,
Letter Writing
1. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper regarding begging on the road signals (Board 2022)
Examination Hall,
City ABC.
23rd May, 2022
The Editor,
The Nation,
City ABC.
Subject: Regarding Begging on the Road Signals
I want to draw the attention of your readers to the evil of begging on the road signals which is increasing day by day in our country. Signal begging is a centuries old tradition in the sub continent and it is promoted by our alms-giving religious spirit. Anyone who dares to condemn it is socially criticized. Alms giving without thinking promotes this evil. Before giving alms we should seriously ponder whether the professional beggars at signal really deserve it. A large number of these beggars are in a position to earn by labour and hard work. But they find it much easier to earn by begging.
Our religion also condemns professional beggary. Rather it lays emphasis on labour and hard work. You are therefore requested to give suitable space to this social problem in your esteemed daily.
Yours truly,
2. Write a letter to the District Health Officer about unsanitary conditions in your locality.
Examination Hall,
City ABC.
18th April, 2022
The District Health Officer,
District ABC.
Subject: Unsanitary Conditions
I want to draw your kind attention to the unsanitary conditions in my area. ABC Market is one of the biggest business centers of my locality. People from other areas of my locality come here for shopping. The sewerage system of this locality is very old and faulty. The old pipe system cannot bear great pressure of waste water consequently. Filthy water overflows continuously and makes it impossible for people to walk in the streets. The sanitary inspector does not pay attention to the problem. Apart from the overflow of filthy water, poles of garbage are accumulated here and there. The filthy environment may cause break out of an epidemic in the area.
We the residents therefore request you to issue orders for the repair of the sewage system. Moreover, proper arrangement should be made for the removal of the garbage.
Yours sincerely,
3. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about rash/reckless driving in your city.
Examination Hall,
City ABC.
20th February, 2022
The Editor,
Daily "The Nation"
City ABC.
Subject: Rash Driving/Reckless Driving
Dear Sir,
I want to draw the attention of the people and the concerned government authorities through your paper towards a social evil which causes many casualties. Rash driving thrills the individual but puts the lives of other people in danger.
The need of the hour is to identify those who indulge in recklessness and cause death to the innocent road users. The responsibility of identification and control goes on lying with the government authorities. The suggestion is to cancel the licenses of the rash drivers only then we can hope to get rid of this menace. Yours sincerely.
I hope that you will highlight the social problem by giving it space in your esteemed newspaper.
Yours sincerely,
4. Write a letter to the editor on poor hygienic conditions of schools in your area.
Examination Hall,
City ABC.
20th July, 2022
The Editor,
Daily "The Nation"
City ABC.
Subject: Poor Hygienic Conditions
Dear Sir,
I would like to draw the attention of the concerned authorities through your paper towards the critically unhygienic condition prevailing in the government schools in city ABC. These schools provide education to the students belonging to either lower-middle class or poor families.
Despite having wonderful locations on the main roads of the city, these schools do not meet the standards of suitable hygienic conditions for the students, teachers and workers. These schools are spacious and there are many places inside schools that are not used as a result they seemed to be haunted. The dirty washrooms with leaky ceilings, broken toilets and wet floors make the situation worse. The choked sewerage lines, defective waste bins, ill maintained sewerage system has created a lot of problems for the students. Even there is a dearth of Dilet papers and soaps in the washrooms. The canteen area is always filled with wrappers and flies hover around the bins all the time, which is really home to various germs. According to the survey almost 27% of the students remain absent throughout the month due to illness caused by unfiltered water. The educational fund received by the school renovations is also not utilized properly to cater the hygienic conditions.
The children deserve nothing less than a clean and safe school. Some issues need to be fixed on an urgent basis otherwise this would cause serious illness. There is a great need to provide a healthy environment to the future of the nation.
Yours sincerely,
5. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper in absence of the sports facilities.
Examination Hall,
City ABC.
September, 2022
The Editor,
Daily "The Nation"
City ABC.
Subject: Absence of Sports Facilities
With the help of your paper I find myself to be heard by the concerned authorities regarding the absence of sports facilities in the local schools. As you know, extracurricular activities are extremely important for the physical and mental fitness of the students and for the same purpose most of the schools organize annual sports day under the supervision of sports committees in the schools.
Unfortunately, in most of the schools the playgrounds are not well established and there is a lack of sports facilities. Even the yearly budget allocated to the schools is insubstantial to cater the sports needs. In most of the schools, despite having a sports committee, there is a huge gap in planning and practicing quality sports events. The players of cricket, hockey, net ball etc. need proper practice in their sports kit but they are deprived of ground and sports related facilities.
I request through this platform that the school education department must visit schools and develop a proper action plan for the initiation of such a healthy megaproject that is beneficial for students.
Yours sincerely,
6. Write a letter to the editor regarding students’ access to the school library in the evening.
Examination Hall,
City ABC.
September, 2022
The Editor,
Daily "The Nation"
City ABC.
Subject: Students’ Access to School library in the Evening
This letter is written to draw your attention towards the idea of students' access to school libraries in the evening. After school hours, students have much time for relaxation and most students read books for the accomplishment of their cognitive skills.
Libraries not only have collection of books but also provide suitable and peaceful learning environment. Moreover a school library is equipped with the relevant literature that is helpful for the completion of assignments and projects. Parents need to send their children to a secure place where they can utilize their school time positively and properly. Many parents desire that the school libraries must remain open for the students so that it would be easier for them to go and spend time in completing their assignments. There is a need to issue proper identity and library cards to the students so that they may reach the libraries without any trouble. The library cards may help in issuance of the books for a certain period of time.
The evening time, if spent in such a positive way, would definitely increase students' learning capacity and exposure. A healthy mind leads to a healthy nation and thus an easy access to evening school libraries is a must for making learning fascinating for them. Yours sincerely.
Yours sincerely.
7. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about the bad condition of a road that is in need of repair.
Examination Hall,
City ABC.
20th September, 2022
The Editor,
Daily "The Nation" City ABC.
Subject: Bad Road Condition
Through the courtesy of your widely circulated newspaper, I would like to draw the attention of the concerned authorities towards the prevailing poor condition of roads in City ABC.
For the last few months the situation is getting worse than ever. At many points there are potholes and depressions which badly affect the transport system. At rush hours, traffic gets blocked and creates hours of delay. Due to the poor drainage system the road remains submerged in dirty water that is severely unhygienic for the people. The most affected victims of this road are students and workers who need to save their time and energy. Even the metallic cat-eyes on the roads are causing damage to the tyres. The problem has reached its extreme and is consequently creating panic among citizens. There is a need to improve the roads infrastructure as it will result in smooth traffic flow that will not only provide mental relaxation but also saves time. The repair of broken patches will save the vehicles from damage.
I hope that the concerned authorities will look into the matter seriously and take some prompt and necessary action to overcome this problem.
Yours sincerely.
Note: Letters to the Editors also Included in 10th class/grade Board Syllabus.