
Showing posts from July, 2024

How to Write a Letter?

  How to Write a Letter? There are two types of letters: formal and informal. Formal letters are written to higher authority, whereas informal letters are written to family, and friends. These kinds of letters mostly have six (6) parts. The structure of both letters are the same. Parts of A Letter, and format/outline of the Letter. These six  parts are following: Heading: Write the sender (who is sending the letter) address, and date at the left side. In this section a few things  have to be kept in mind. After address use comma ( , ) After city name use full-stop ( . ) Date must be written in this way     8th April, 2024 After year do not use full-stop  Below is the right way to write the address of sender, and the format: Examination Hall, City ABC. 23rd May, 2022 Subject :............................. Dear sir,             ………………….. 2. Subject : This is the very important portion of your letter in which the subject of the letter has been written in short form. It is also a techniqu

Letter to the Editor

Letters to The Editors Parts of A Letter, and format/outline of the Letter. Most of the time people write a letter to the Editor to highlight an issue/problem which  prevails in the society. These kinds of letters mostly have seven (7) parts. These seven  parts are following: Heading: Write the sender (who is sending the letter) address, and date at the left side. In this section a few things  have to be kept in mind. After address use comma ( , ) After city name use full-stop ( . ) Date must be written in this way     8th April, 2024 After year do not use full-stop  This is the way to write the address of sender: Examination Hall, City ABC. 23rd May, 2022 Editor’s Address: Editor address would also be on the left side of the letter, but leave one line before writing. In first, and in second line comma, and after writing city ABC then full-stop. Below  is the right  way to write the address of Editor (receiver/recipient): The Editor, The Nation, City ABC. Subject : This is the very imp

Email Writing

 How to write and Email? Email writing is included in 9th class/grade Board Syllabus. How to write an Email? Email Writing   Email: An email   (electronic mail) is the exchange of computer sorted messages by     telecommunication. ❖      It can be distributed to an individual or a list of people. ❖      It enables us to receive or send documents, images, links or other files.   Types of Emails   They can be written formally and informally.    i.   Formal Email: ❖      Business and important messages (Purpose) ❖      Business and work colleagues (Audience) ❖      Professional-accurate spellings, punctuation and grammar (e.g. Thank you for your prompt response) (Style and Accuracy) ❖      Start and end properly (eg. Dear Mr. /Mrs /Sir /Madam, Yours sincerely, Yours faithfully, Regards, Kind regards) (Beginning and Ending) ❖      No contractions (e.g. Thank you very much for the voucher, I am, We were) (Use of Contractions) .     ii. Informal Email: ❖