Kinds of Nouns
There are 12 kinds of nouns Kinds of Noun: (a part of 9th, & 10 Board syllabus) 1 Proper Noun 2. Common Noun 3. Countable Noun 4. Uncountable Noun 5. Collective Noun 6. Abstract Noun 7. Concrete Noun 8. Plural Noun 9. Compound Noun 10. Material Noun 11. Possessive Noun: (singular & plural) 12. Appositive Noun 1. Proper Noun: A noun that names a specific person, place, or thing, always capitalized. Examples: Alice, Paris, Eiffel Tower, Shakespeare, Monday, January. 2. Common Noun: A noun that refers to a general class of people, places, or things, not capitalized. Examples: person, city, building, writer, day, month. 3. Countable Noun: A noun that refers to something that can be counted in individual units. Examples: book, apple, chair, student. 4. Uncountable Noun: A noun that refers to something that cannot be counted in individual units, often denoting mass, quantity, or material. Examples: water, air, sugar, love, knowledge. 5. Collective Noun: A nou...