verb < pon-der> meaning: to think. sentences: 1: he pondered the story before writing. 2: the team pondered their chance of success. synonyms: think, meditate, contemplate.
verb. <de-pre-ci--ate> meaning: * to cause (something) to have a lower price or value, * to decrease/reduce in value. sentences: 1: my boss often deprecates the importance of my work. 2: the value of the shop has depreciated greatly. synonyms: reduce, cheapen, lower.
adjective, verb. <de-di-cate> meaning: to give /devote (time or effort) to a task or purpose, to give honor. sentences: (in the form of verb) 1: this new book is dedicated to Shakespeare. 2: Marry has dedicated her life to animals. similar: devote, devote
noun: < snob > Meaning: feel superior in social matters, Sentences: 1: do not be a snob. 2: your neighbors are such a snob, always do parties in their garden to show off. Synonyms: snoot
verb : < syn-chro-nize > Meaning: to happen at the same time, exactly moving in same rate(motion) Sentences: 1: they synchronized their steps and walked on together. 2: children are synchronizing their movement in PT. Synonyms: accompany
adverb, < sin-cere-ly > other words sincereness ,noun; sincere, adj meaning : truthfulness, genuineness, straightforwardness sentences : 1: I am sincerely saying that our vehicle has been roughly used by the driver, so please look at the matter. 2: thank you for your help. sincerely, John. synonym : artlessly, truly, faithfully.
noun < pa- tri- ot > ( patriots, noun plural ) meaning : loyalist, once who loves his country, and supports/devote his life. sentences : 1: he was a great patriot who devoted his life to serving his country. 2: praise him he is the real patriot of his country. synonym : loyal, faithful.
verb . < de-pre-ci- ate > ( depreciated; depreciating ) other words depreciable, adj; depreciatingly, adverb; depreciation, noun; depreciative, adj. meaning : to lower in honor, esteem, and price sentences : 1: his elder brother often depreciates the work of her young sister. 2: this is my suggestion to sell all stock before it depreciates synonym : belittle, decry, diminish, degrade.
verb, noun <de-plete> (depleted; depleting) meaning : absence of essential thing sentences : 1: the lake was depleted of water. 2: the ozone layer has been depleting fast. synonyms : absence, lake, lessen, diminish.
noun <ad-vice> meaning : recommendation sentences : 1: my advice is to sell your old furniture. 2: teacher advice for students to do morning exercise daily. synonyms : information.
verb , <ad-vise> (advised; advising) meaning : to give recommendation to someone. sentences : 1: his doctor advised him to lose weight. 2: mother advises her child to not take anything from a stranger. synonyms : catch up, acquaint, inform.
transitive verb (amplified; amplifying) meaning: to expend by the use of detail, increase sentences: 1: amplify a weak television signal. 2: a receiver that amplified the internet signal. synonyms: accelerate, add (to), aggrandize, boost, build up.
noun, verb verb ( fibbed, fibbing ) meaning: a lie sentences: 1: fib of the high school boy destroy the educational career of his friend. 2: I can understand, that he is fibbing, because he is smiling. similar: lie, untruth, fable,
verb pre-var-i-cate meaning; to deviate from the truth verb form: prevaricated; prevaricating. other words: prevarication (noun) prevaricator (noun) sentences; 1: the criminal was prevaricating in order to protect his friend, front of the judge. 2: the politician was prevaricating, when the government ask about the money trail. similar lie, fib, fabricate, equivocate.
noun eva-sion meaning: escape, dodge, eluding. sentences: 1: student answer was nothing but careful evasions. 2: government made the list of tax evasion. similar: avoidance, eluding.
noun su-prem-a-cy meaning: supreme (power,/authority/status). sentences: 1: the supremacy of the king. 2: government approved the supremacy of a royal kingdom. similar: superiority, paramountcy.
noun dwel-ling meaning: shelter, residence sentences: 1: cave is the dwelling of lions. 2: 'Sweet Homes' are dwellings of orphans. similar: residence, house